Applications open for Co-Founders Programme

Applications open for Co-Founders Programme

Applications are now open for the Co-Founders Programme that connects ambitious people to build incredible new start-ups.

The programme brings together a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds, allowing you to meet potential collaborators you wouldn’t even know existed, and through the learning workshops, mentors, events and networking - help you to try out creating a start-up in a safe, risk-free environment.

Every year they see a full array of outcomes. Ideas succeeding and failing. New ideas developing.

At the programme’s core, Co-Founders is about connecting the community, regardless of background, to develop new ideas and solutions, and accelerate their own personal development.

Co-Founders takes place from February to June 2024. The Hot House and Ideas Bootcamp will take place over weekends (in person). This is followed by the core programme over 12 weeks. The core programme sessions are on Monday evenings 6pm – 8.30pm online, however some in-person sessions may be factored in.

Outside of the programme sessions, you will need to dedicate some time each week to work on your start-up eg user research, team catch up. However, it is manageable alongside a full-time job or studies.

Who Can Apply?
  • Co-Founders is open to anyone.
  • They are looking for people who are interested in creating a start-up. Both the people who have skills they could bring to a start-up team, as well as people who already have a great idea or have come up with a problem space, but need a team of skilled people to make it happen. They are also open to teams that have already formed.
  • Types of Applicants:
    • Ideas
      • They are looking for ideas that have high-growth potential. You don’t need to have developed this idea yet or started putting anything into motion – Co-Founders will help you find skilled people to join you as you begin the process of understanding your problem and developing your solution.
    • Skills
      • Whether you have skills in software engineering, experience in construction, are a student learning new skills, or you’re great at building relationships with people, there is a start-up idea that needs your skillset. They welcome people from all backgrounds and sectors of the community.
    • Teams
      • You may have already started fleshing out an idea and want to get a better understanding of design thinking, or maybe you need another co-founder with a specific skillset to join your team; whatever the case, they welcome you to apply and enter the programme together.
    • Problem Space
      • They are looking for people that have identified a problem space – it could be something you have personally experienced or something you have seen in your community or globally.

For more information, visit Co-Founders.

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