SURE5.0 Acceleration Programme 2

SURE5.0 Acceleration Programme 2

 Deadline Date: February 28, 2024

Are you an SME operating in the European Mobility, Transport & Automotive (MTA), Aerospace & Defence, and Electronics manufacturing value chains? Do you need to digitally transform your production process to become more sustainable, resilient and human-centric, but don’t have enough resources or knowledge for that? If so, then this call is for you!


The EU-funded SURE5.0 project can support you with more than EUR 2.6 million in cascade funding complemented with tailored services, accessible through the application to their two Acceleration Programmes. Each one of them is structured in a two sequential phases approach, providing the companies with the following benefits:

  • 5.0 assessments and services worth €10,000
    • The 1st acceleration programme was launched in December 2022 with a result of 17 SMEs selected in the phase 1. Until September 2023 these companies will receive the first tailored services and will be eligible to apply to the 2nd phase (to be launched in August this year), so they can receive additional supporting services and funding for their transition plans.
  • 50,000€/SME of equity-free funding to implement your 5.0 transition plan
    • In case your company couldn’t enter in the 1st acceleration programme, you have a new opportunity to engage in the SURE5.0 project through the 2nd acceleration programme.
What they offer?

The SURE5.0 Acceleration Programme 2 aims to help you to make your production processes more sustainable, resilient and human-centric. The support will be provided in two phases through different tailored services and funding, based on your specific technological, business and personnel needs:

Phase 1 Assess & Recommend
  • Individual assessment and roadmap design
    • The partners will carry out interviews with the companies. The idea is to give a step forward in the analysis of their business model and manufacturing process, identifying gaps and possible advanced technological solutions to cover them. This individual assessment will be the base for their 5.0 roadmap design.
  • Investment Readiness Support
    • Companies will be evaluated and categorised into three levels: (i) Investment ready / (ii) Almost ready /(iii) Not ready
    • According to that, they will receive recommendations.
  • Training activities
    • Compulsory module on Industry 5.0 covering: The principles of sustainability, human-centricity and resilience; Main challenges identified in their target industrial ecosystems; Success stories and their practical application on different kind of businesses.
  • Social innovation and human-centricity
    • Companies will be provided with a “Guide for social innovators”. Later, they will receive a training course about how to elaborate a business model addressing more human-centric and social approaches.
  • Community of Practice of Alliance
    • Companies will be invited to join this LinkedIn group, which aims to foster exchange and experience in the field of industry 5.0, as well as to promote networking activities.
Who can apply?

Type of Beneficiary

  • The accepted applicants for the SURE5.0 Open Calls are Manufacturing SMEs acting in the domain of Mobility, Transport & Automotive (MTA), Aerospace & Defense, and Electronics.
    • An SME will be considered as such if complying with the European Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC and the SME qualification guide.. As a summary, the criteria which define an SME are:
      • Independent (not linked or owned by another enterprise), in accordance with Recommendation 2003/361/EC.
      • Headcount in Annual Work Unit (AWU) less than 250.
      • Annual turnover less or equal to €50 million OR annual balance sheet total less or equal to €43 million.
    • SMEs that do not have yet annual turnover or balance sheets are also considered eligible given that they fulfill the criteria (a) and (b) of the SME definition.
    • In case an SME enters the SURE5.0 Acceleration Programme, it will remain eligible even if, at a certain point during the sub-project execution, it does not fulfill criteria (b) or (c) of the SME definition.
    • The organizations must not have had convictions for fraudulent behavior, other financial irregularities, unethical or illegal business practices.
    • The participating organizations must not have been declared bankrupt or have initiated bankruptcy procedures.
    • The participating organization is not under liquidation or is not an enterprise under difficulty according to the Commission Regulation No 651/2014, art. 2.18.
    • The participating organization is not excluded from the possibility of obtaining EU funding under the provisions of both national and EU law, or by a decision of either national or EU authority.
    • Please note that a signed version of the Declaration of Honour and the SME
    • Declaration will be requested during the contract preparation phase.
  • The following statements clarify which types of companies are or are not eligible:
    • Who is eligible
      • Manufacturing Companies
      • Producers of at least one product
      • Assemblers if they sell the product afterwards
      • Software developers and producers if they focus on the production part of their company
      • Within their three ecosystems
    • Who is ineligible
      • Non-producers
      • No link with the manufacturing process
      • Service providers only
      • Software developers only
      • Not in their industrial ecosystems
    • Service providers that are eligible
      • Companies that can be considered as service providers can be selected if:
        • They have a hardware production (even if offered at the end as a service).
        • The focus of the application is on the production stage and not on the services they are offering
        • The SURE5.0 support will be limited to their production stage

For more information, visit SURE5.0.

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