Provision of Security Services - Zambia

Provision of Security Services - Zambia

Official Title

RFQ-2023-PSM-ZMB-Security Services

Opportunity Background

The Global Health Supply Chain Procurement and Supply Management (GHSCPSM) Project is a USAID program implemented by Chemonics International Inc. in Zambia. The goal of the GHSC-PSM Project is to promote uninterrupted supplies of health commodities in support of USG-funded public health initiatives around the world. The project provides direct procurement and supply chain management support to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the USAID Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH), and the USAID Office of Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition.

As part of project activities, the GHSC-PSM Project requires the purchase of qualified unarmed security services, panic alarm system and monitoring and emergency rapid response services to be provided at Lusaka Metropolitan House Office, Choma Provincial Office, Ndola Provincial Office, Mansa Provincial Office, Chipata Provincial Office and Two (2) International Staff Residences in Lusaka (Jesmondine and Woodlands) 24 hours per day and 7 days a week, including holidays and weekends on a 24-hour basis. The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit quotations for these services.

Opportunity Structure

Scope of Work
The Offeror shall provide security services to support the safety and security of the Lusaka Metropolitan House Office, Choma Provincial Office, Ndola Provincial Office, Mansa Provincial Office, Chipata Provincial Office and Two (2) International Staff Residences in Lusaka (Jesmondine and Woodlands) 24 hours per day and 7 days a week, to both personnel working or residing at the site and all property housed in the facility. The sole function of the security services and security personnel provided by the Offeror is to minimize the risk of loss or damage by fire, theft, burglary, vandalism, terrorism, natural disaster, riot, or civil commotion. The Offeror will use its best endeavors to minimize or prevent loss or damage to the Chemonics property. The Offeror shall complete the following tasks:

Guards must be qualified to provide unarmed static security services, to which include the duties of securing facility entry points, conducting perimeter patrols of the premises, reporting suspicious activities and other potential safety and security threats, monitoring receiving and dispatch processes, and responding to security incidents in accordance with designated standard operating procedures (SOPs). Tasks may include, but will not be limited to:

  • Ensuring staff and visitors entry into the premises is subject to verification of Identification Badge. All visitors must be accompanied to the offices.
  • Ensuring that all vehicles (cars and motorcycles) are logged out and logged back into the compound. The log will include the time that the vehicle exited or entered the site and the name of the driver.
  • Ensuring that staff or visitors entering the premises, either on foot or in vehicles, do not bring in any unauthorized items such as explosive/ non-explosive weapons, sharp objects or dangerous weapons and flammable/corrosive/explosive chemical materials.
  • Routinely conducting perimeter patrols of the site in order to monitor the site and its surroundings for any potential security or safety concerns.
  • Promptly reporting any suspicious activity or encountered incidents within or immediately outside of the premises to the Country Director, Deogratius Kimera This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Senior Operations Manager, Mwela Sikazwe - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Submit an incident report for any security incidents within the same day of occurrence. Such reports must include, at a minimum, (a) date, time and place of the location, (b) description of the events, (c) injuries to personnel or damage/loss of property, (d) witnesses, (e) current security assessment, and (f) other relevant information. Providing incident response and management in accordance with guard training and standard operating procedures. Assigned guards should be supported by periodic mobile patrols for back up during all shifts.

Competitive Scope

Offer Deadline and Protocol
Offers must be received no later than 17:00hrs local Lusaka time on November 10, 2023 by email ONLY to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The above is a summary of the original procurement notice.
Additional information and documents are available for download from the original procurement notice page.

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